Oh this is crazy, this tumultuous world of blogs we live parts of our lives in.
David Jaffe? I previously posted about how he quit blogging, and restarted blogging, on the same night. Well, he’s on an indefinite moratorium again, citing his drive to be known for what he creates rather than what he says. (Here.) That’s damn admirable. Of course I still like my conspiracy (here,) but that’s cool. :D Besides, I’m sure we’ll have a post from him when he wins a Game Developers Choice Award, having been nominated in five of the eight categories. (Here.) What can I say? David, his team, and his game kick ass. Good luck, you’ve got stiff competition.
And Jeff Freeman, who quit and deleted his blog recently, has answered an important question. “What happens when a good blog stops running?” As it turns out, it goes into reruns. He seemingly has no interest in blogging new topics but has decided to reprint old posts that, I must say, are as spiffy the second time as they were the first. Though he has quite a few up, the first reprinted post is the most interesting to me. It tells a story based around the idea of a MMO minigame that’s an abstract simulation of sex, and why players would/could use it. (Here.) It even rewards monogamy.
Raph Koster recently asked people what they wanted in an MMO. (Here.) Well, more accurately, what was the spirit of what they wanted? My answer to Raph was:
I want an MMO where:
(a)any single player can effect meaningful change in the world around him,
(b)player skill (items/effects excepted) is what matters and not time spent in the world doing any repetitive task.
(c)a world that would be interesting even with no players. If Days of Our Lives can go for this long and still have viewers interested, I fail to see why an MMO can’t change the story a tad bit every week/month in a player-participatory fashion. (Not just a static story with additional events tagged on with larger events happening in expansions.)
So, I want a system that’s fair to everyone, where everyone can completely change things, and where the world lives. Gee, that’s not too much, is it? (Note the sarcasm. I realize what I’m saying, but hey, he asked. I guess I could’ve asked for a better grasp of grammar as well.)
Reading Jeff’s reposts and seeing Raph’s ‘lessons of MMOs’ (Here.) has really got me thinking about what kind of MMO I would play. See, I’m not really an MMO kinda guy. So I think I owe it to myself to spend a post or two talking about ‘my’ dream MMO. (Do you know what yours is? I’m torn between a 1920s setting and feudal Japan.) And a few posts after that, I’ll get around to ending and restarting this blog.