I’m still Jeffool, and you’re still welcomed at my blog.
Hi. If you just got eleven posts from me, sorry about that, but thanks for subscribing to the correct (feedburner) feed. I’ve finally moved into blog.jeffool.com, as I actually bought this webspace a while back and never really got around to using it so I started giving that away. (More on that later.) The point is, I’m using it now. Allow me to share a little about myself, again. Let me be honest. I want to change the world. Yeah, I have a bit of an ego but I think I’m generally an affable guy. Like many I aspire to be in game development, but I’m not sure how that’s going to work out. I program, but right now I’m really just a gamer with a blog so if you’re against reading such, here’s your point of exit.
Also, I mentioned I gave away lots of my webspace, so I just thought I’d mention some of the worthwhile causes I wanted to give space to and I hope you’ll check them out. First off, there’s Evil Avatar Radio, which is a podcast offshoot of the popular linksite Evil Avatar. They’re mostly good peoples, even if the main guy ‘Evil Avatar’ himself is batshit insane and doesn’t dig the idea of the Revolution too much. :D Of course I’m partial to the show because I often appear on it.
Also, there’s DJ Z-Trip, whose turntablism I really dig. I hope you’ll give him a shot. Any artist that releases tons of free stuff is good by me. I recommend at least the Future Primitive Soundsession Vol 2, if not the Anti-War mix as well.
Also, as you may have noticed on the bottom right over there, I’ve discovered Pandora.com If you haven’t, you really should. I often have a hard time finding new music as I don’t listen to the radio or watch MTV, so this has actually helped me some. Feel free to peak into my brain and listen to music I like. (If it has a thumbs up, I’ve already voted it as “Good Stuff.”)
I hope not to screw with the feed any more, so if I do end up resending ten posts, I’m really sorry about that. Dunno how much time I’ll have as I’ve started an little Oblivion mod, but hey, at least I’ll be posting! (Some of you need to post more… Hint hint.)